Bright prospects exist in the real estate industry, but the motivation of young adults needs a meaningful activity in addition to attractiveness, lifelong learning. The mechanisms of creativity development through sustainable education and learning concepts. In conversation with Thomas Friese, real...
Heinrich Barth undertook a lengthy journey through Africa to educate the world about the continent's fascination. How GrowExpress, with its concept of block farming, is achieving agricultural success in Nigeria and providing a future for local smallholder farmers....
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Dieser bunte Stadtplan führt dich zu den besten und aufregendsten Plätzen, Wein- & Cocktail Bars, Pubs, zu romantischen Parks, Restaurants & Bistro in Budapest!...
Reisen kann leider für viele Touristen auch in der heutigen Zeit noch ein unangenehmes Thema sein: In vielen Ländern sind schwule, lesbische, bi und transgender Urlauber nicht willkommen....